Happy Thanksgiving! I type this post with bittersweet emotions as I think on all of the blessings that I am thankful for. It can be difficult to see the bright side of certain situations, but I truly believe that even hard times can have blessings in disguise. As we were talking about what we were thankful for this holiday, I spoke about how I was grateful that God was molding me. It may seem painful while going through certain circumstances, but God is shaping me into who I am meant to be with every trial and struggle that I face.
One of the most important things to remember when thinking about all that we have to be thankful for is the idea of hidden blessings. Whether you are just going through it, dealing with an intense trial, or nothing seems to be going right, there is always a positive that can come out of your situation.
While I am thankful for all the ways in which I have been blessed, I can also understand and sympathize with those who do not understand their circumstances or why they are going through them. Beauty can be found in all areas of life, even trials that seem to be never-ending.
I hope to write about this topic in a more in-depth post very soon. I am still gathering my thoughts and even trying to sort out my own feelings on this. However, I hope you feel inspired to find the hidden blessings that can be provided through our trials.
With love, Em